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We hold a club meeting each month where we discuss and vote on future matches and club events. Each member has equal voting rights and decisions are made by a majority vote.
We hold our meetings at St George's club, Trinity Road, Chorley, PR7 2DW on the last Monday of every month at 8pm. Subscriptions are £50 per year and we pay £10 per match entry fee, which is split between:
1st, 2nd & 3rd prizes for the highest weights
Golden Peg (limited to £75)
Guess the weight prize (on that day’s match)
Levy towards the cost of the match.




Club has space in 2020. Please
contact us for
more details.
Joining Our Club:
Joining a match fishing club is an excellent way to experience the sport, improve your skills and have some fun along the way. Our club is open to adults of all ages and abilities (minimum age 16).
We have members both young and old male and female. New members are always welcome. Plus every year we adventure out into the unknown by exploring bigger venues with-in the UK. (See Results - Archives for details)
If you are interested in joining please call the club secretary Mr. Adrian Wilson on
Home: 01257 435975 Mobile: 07708021594. Or alternatively you can email us at:, as well join our FB page at the top of this page.
If you are not sure and would like to fish one of our matches as a guest then get in touch, you are welcome to come along.
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